The Journey of Garage Collective

The Journey of Garage Collective

Every car enthusiast dreams of the idyllic simplicity of being able to park, lounge, and connect, all the while having the luxury to lose track of time. Garage Collective celebrates the  beginning of a journey that  encapsulates all those things and more.

Our Expectation Going In

Catching dreams and turning them into a reality doesn’t happen overnight. We knew having a love for everything automotive would be a driving force (no pun intended), but to execute our dream garage with precision was going to take more than just passion.

Like any aged structure, to return it back to it’s long lost glory days takes a level of vision, planning, and finesse. Vast size alone was a primary challenge, while spiffing, pest-proofing and polishing our new commercial industrial space in order to call it home. 16,000 square feet of oil- stained concrete, shattered windows, and creaking floors defined the ambiguous warehouse. Basic supplies quickly became highly sought after and expensive, while quality furniture became backordered for weeks.

Before we could properly celebrate and welcome our founding members, we had to get our San Diego real estate right. What we thought would only take a matter of four months slowly stretch into nine.


One thing proved true through the entirety of our journey - San Diego’s community of car enthusiasts have never quieted their cheers of support. For those of us who were in the middle of the restoration day in and day out, our eyes failed to take note of the advancements being made. But any time a visitor came by, they were quick to pick up on any improvements and fell in love with the space and vision despite the dust and relentless construction. Their excitement stoked our mission to go on and was a reminder of how desperately car enthusiasts needed a place to call, “home.”

We soon realized that Garage Collective fell within a hub of artists throughout Barrio Logan and Downtown San Diego. It’s very rare for a guest not to take note of the artfully curated moss wall by Craftmossphere or to gawk over the customized BMW camshaft door handles by Taylor Morgan. We’re proud to have a coworking space where several craftsmen and artists have created masterpieces of their own.

Ready. Set. Go.

It’s done. Our doors have officially open. But it doesn’t stop there. It may sound cliche, (which is fine because we don’t mind being a bit corny), but this is just the beginning, the engine has just started, the race has just begun… However you’d like to put it, we have many plans and aspirations in store for Garage Collective and everyone who would like to go along for the ride. 

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